When you’re thinking about adoption, hearing others’ stories can be a great help. By reading other women’s adoption stories, you can identify with their reason for choosing adoption and find commonality in their emotions, relationships, and opportunities. In this guest blog post, we’re sharing Ashley’s adoption story.
It’s our hope that reading Ashley’s adoption story will give you insight and perspective as you think about your choices
Guest blogger Ashley shares her adoption storyWhen I got pregnant, I was 19 years old and a freshman in college. I felt nervous, scared, and alone. I didn’t discover I was pregnant until six months along, leaving just three months to figure out what I was going to do.
I wasn’t ready to become a mom. I wanted to finish college, start my career, and travel. I couldn’t afford everything that it takes to raise a child. I wanted my baby to have a good education and two married parents. I wanted her to be raised with good values, morals, and to have every opportunity in life.
I had to do some growing up and I put my own feelings aside. At that moment, I only thought about what was best for my child. I picked an amazing, loving adoptive couple to become her parents through Lifetime. I could feel their joy about becoming parents, and how much love they would provide my daughter.
The minute I saw my sweet baby girl’s face, my whole life changed. I was forced to grow up and mature. There was a part of me out in the world and I knew I had to start making some different life choices. Every decision from then on was always made with my daughter in mind. I had to think about what was best for her, not what I wanted. I realized I couldn’t be selfish because I had to be realistic about my child’s future.
Just a week after giving birth, I was back at my college like nothing had happened. I didn’t tell very many people about my pregnancy and adoption plan, because I felt embarrassed and ashamed. Finally, a year later, I started telling people. It was then that I realized the adoption was a positive experience. I get to watch a great couple live their dream of being a family.
The adoptive couple sends me pictures and videos, and we meet up once a year. I feel blessed to be able to be a part of my daughter’s life and to know that all her needs and wants will be fulfilled. My daughter did NOT deserve a single parent home, living paycheck to paycheck, and getting just an average education. She deserves the BEST life. She deserved an amazing childhood like I got to experience. I didn’t have to worry when I was a child; I had two happily married parents who took me on amazing trips around the country. They made sure my brothers and I got top-notch educations. I knew that my daughter deserved that same chance at life, to get all the opportunities that I got to experience.
Because of the adoption, I got a second chance at life to better myself. I want to become a role model for her as she gets older. I chose a better life for her than what I could have provided because that’s what she deserves. Because of my adoption decision, I graduated early with a Bachelor’s Degree and got accepted into a graduate school program. I’m one semester away from graduating with a Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology. In September, I’m marrying the man of my dreams, and I get to watch my daughter being raised by the most amazing parents. There isn’t one day that I regret my decision. So many lives have changed for the better because of the decision I made four years ago.

Would you like to learn more about adoption?
If you have questions, you can call or text Lifetime Adoption Agency at 1-800-923-6784 anytime of the day or night!

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A Birth Mothers adoption story #adoptionstory #adoption #unplannedpregnancy #adoptionagency #adopt
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Adoption Agency Florida

Written by Adoption Agency Florida