Heather – Lifetime Adoption

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State I Live in: Washington
My Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
My Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months
My Gender Preferences: Either Gender
My Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American

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Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

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Hello! Thank you so much for your time to learn a little bit more about me and consider me as an adoptive family for your child. Growing up with 2 siblings who were adopted, adoption has been on my heart for a long time. I am very excited to become a first-time mom through adoption!

As a mom, I will be the biggest cheerleader of my child and support them as they grow into the person God created them to be. I promise to love your child unconditionally and share with them their adoption story. I hope to get to know you and would be open to sharing pictures, letters, and visits with you if you would like contact after the adoption.

About Me

People who know me would say I am a fun-loving, warm, and caring person. I love to encourage others and walk alongside my family and friends. My job as a music teacher has allowed me to pursue my passion for music and helping kids learn and grow. I enjoy going to work and look forward to the opportunities it brings me be there for others. Being involved in my Church, attending Bible study, and helping at Church events are very important to me.

Things I love:

  • Hiking/backpacking

  • Boating

  • Traveling to see all of the beautiful National parks in the USA as well as overseas!

  • Spending time with close friends

  • Puzzles

  • Gardening

  • Reading

  • Playing my instruments

  • Family game nights


Music & Teaching

I teach music to kindergarten through eighth grade students at a private Christian school. I have been teaching for many years at my school and absolutely love it. The other staff members are like family to me and have become some of my closest friends. The academics are very strong at my school and it is so neat to be able to watch the students grow and flourish.

I am also a violinist and also part of a community orchestra and string quartet that performs for various events. I have been playing the violin since I was seven years old and I would love to share the joy of music with my own child someday.

My Home in Washington

I live in a beautiful 4-bedroom home in a family-friendly neighborhood that is close to a rail-trail and several parks. I have the best neighbors who are always looking out for each other. My home is warm and inviting, with lots of flowers and vegetables in the spring and summer garden, and of course, always filled with music.

The loft upstairs will become a big playroom and it already has a great collection started of children's books. My favorite holiday to decorate for is Christmas and I go all out. (I have been known to leave my Christmas tree up until Easter some years!)

My Family and Faith

I was raised in a wonderful, fun-loving, Christian home with my parents and 4 siblings. My younger brother and sister are twins who my parents adopted from Haiti when they were 1-year olds. Through them I have seen the joy and blessing adoption is for our whole family. While all of my siblings live in different states (Michigan, Maryland, Maine, and Texas), we make it a point to see each other for holidays and in the summers.

Everyone is excited about my own adoption plans and looks forward to welcoming the child I will be chosen to adopt. My parents live just 8 minutes down the road and my mom is super excited to be able to help out with her new grandchild. I also love spending time with my nephew (who is in several of my pictures) and am excited about my child having a young cousin to grow up with.

I am a Christian and am active in my church. I look forward to teaching my child the importance of faith, family values, morals, and showing them who Jesus is and why I love Him with all my heart.

Family Traditions

My family and I love to celebrate Christmas together. My siblings live all over the US and take the time to fly into Washington to celebrate at our parents' home. It's so fun to have everyone in the same place for the holidays! We always go to the Christmas Eve service at Church, read the Christmas story on Christmas morning, and have prime rib and Yorkshire pudding for dinner.

Every year, we get together as a family in the summer to visit some of our National Parks by hiking and biking. I always enjoy these times of exploring the outdoors together and look forward to sharing them with my child.

My Promise

I will cherish and love your child at all times, through anything. I promise to provide for them and make sure that they have a safe and secure environment where they can live life to the fullest. I will encourage them in all the ways that make them unique, and support them in their talents or interests. I will provide them a strong education, to encourage them to dream big, and to accomplish their goals. I promise to to create an environment where they daily know they are loved and have space to explore, learn, and laugh. You will always be such an important part of our family's story and your child will grow up hearing how much you mean to us. If you'd like to stay in touch and have an open adoption, I would love to honor a connection with you and share updates as your child grows up.

To learn more about me or set up a call, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Thoughtfully, Heather

More About Heather

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Music Education, and Master's Degree in Education
Profession: Music Teacher at a private Christian school
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Can coffee be a food? Caramel soy latte
Musicals: Newsies and Mary Poppins
Books: Anne of Green Gables
Weekend Activities: Hiking, gardening, going out for afternoon drives, and jigsaw puzzles
Vacation Place: Grand Canyon
Thing about Christmas: Decorating the house, caroling, and watching Christmas movies
Musical instrument: Violin

More About My Family

Fun Facts

- I love to garden! Every year, I fit as much as I can into my small garden so that I can have lots of veggies and flowers to pick.
- I used to be a synchronized swimmer.
- I direct 2 middle school and 3 elementary musicals each year.
- I have been to the Grand Canyon 7 times and it is one of my most favorite places on earth.

What matters the most to me...

- My faith and continued growth in my relationship with Christ daily.
- Honesty, kindness, generosity, forgiveness and respect.
- Spending time with family and being there in the easy and hard times for each other.
- Being willing to try new things and always having a mind that is open to learn.

Dream vacation ideas

- Go on a walking tour of the English countryside
- Visit Australia and New Zealand
- Go on an African Safari
- Roadtrip through the USA
- Camp in my backyard with my child

Favorites Foods to Cook

- Fresh rolls
- My Grandma's banana bread recipe
- Split Pea soup
- Sweet Potato Lasagna
- Kale Cake (sounds weird, but tastes amazing)

In Closing

Thank you for reading through my website and taking the time to get to know me. I am filled with great joy to be on this adoption journey. I look forward to showering your child with laughter, love, and many wonderful memories as they grow up. I promise to encourage them, love them and support them in all that they do. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing with you pictures, letters, and visits if you are comfortable. To connect with me, just ask Lifetime to set up a call or video chat! I'd love to learn more about you and your child.