Close-up baby crib with musical animal mobile at nursery roomWhether you are just starting your adoption journey or your baby is on the way home, your mind is most likely filled with thoughts about how things will be once your baby is there with you. That being said, there is also an element of uncertainty, fear, and disbelief that this is REALLY happening to you. After all of those years of trying to have a baby, then going through the adoption process, your dreams may be about to come true.
If you are expecting your baby at any moment now, you feel like the windows of Heaven have finally opened and showered down this wonderful blessing that you are nervous about receiving. While it may not seem real, it is, and you will be the proud parent of a happy, beautiful baby before you know it.
Yes, it has probably been one of the most laborious and emotionally stressful processes in your life, but now is the time for you to jump for joy and prepare for your new baby. You may have some strange feelings that almost seem to stop you in your tracks when you get ready to do something in anticipation of your baby’s arrival.
The truth is that those feelings are not strange at all. Most new parents start to question themselves, their lives, and their abilities when their baby is almost here. You just need a little boost, a nudge of reassurance to get moving.
A perfect way to get motivated for your new bundle of happiness is to begin preparing your child’s nursery. Whether you will create a nursery from scratch or you have already reserved a space in your home, these spring-cleaning tips will help you to make your baby’s new room welcoming and safe:

  1. Dust like never before. Take the time to get into those little cracks and crevices where dust bunnies hide. Also, wash all window treatments and bedding, which can also be dust culprits.
  2. Make sure to clean out all air duct filters. Babies can develop allergies if the air is not clean.
  3. Paint the walls well in advance. Do your best not to wait until the day before your baby arrives to pull out the paint and brush. Plan your nursery and its colors. As the nursery goes from plan to reality, you will start to feel great and excited knowing that your baby will also enjoy their surroundings.
  4. Clean the glass on all of your windows. And if you live in a cooler climate, you may consider making sure that the windows are well insulated to block out any drafts.
  5. Keep safety at the forefront of your nursery plans. Outlet covers, childproof locks, and safety devices will help you feel more comfortable with your child being in the nursery as they start to grow. Remember, your infant will not be a “baby” forever.
  6. Ensure that you’ve correctly installed or assembled all nursery equipment because it will give you peace of mind knowing that your baby is safe and well protected.
  7. Take care of flooring and floor cleaning. Whether you decide on hardwood floors or carpet, make sure that the floors are clean before your baby arrives. You don’t want to bring your baby into an environment of too much noise and unrest. As your baby settles in, start doing some of the “noisier” tasks, such as running the vacuum or floor cleaner.
  8. Enjoy this time, especially when your baby gets there! The moments that you will share with your baby will make all of your efforts worth it.

As you and baby sway on that rocking chair, your mind may be filled with hopes and dreams for your child and your family instead of fears and unbelief.

Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P.

Written by Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P.

Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P., is a nationally-recognized adoption expert and the Founder of Lifetime Adoption Agency. She has been working in adoption since 1986 and is also an award-winning author and speaker.

Mardie knows the sorrow of coping with infertility, and is an adoptive parent who experienced many of the challenges adoptive families might face. In various media appearances worldwide, publications, and her podcast, Mardie important steps that must be taken to complete a safe and secure adoption. Having adopted her son, Mardie knows firsthand the joys of raising an adopted child.

Mardie’s life mission is to help adoptive parents and birth parents find each other. With Lifetime Adoption Agency, she seeks to build happy families and provide precious infants and children with a loving and secure future.