does putting my baby up for adoption make me a bad person?Question: “I’m like 99% sure that adoption’s going to be the best choice for my situation…but I’m worried what people will think. Does putting my baby up for adoption make me a bad person?”

Answer: Many women who are thinking about adoption struggle with this question. Unfortunately, lots of people are still clueless about adoption and how it works today. They may believe that a woman who places her baby is running away from their responsibilities or “taking the easy way out.”

But at Lifetime, we know it’s the exact opposite. Birth mothers are putting their child first and taking full responsibility for their child’s future.

Here’s how one birth mother puts it: “Plenty of people told me I was making a selfless and brave decision by putting my baby up for adoption. But honestly, I didn’t feel like that was true. I just thought out all my choices. Even though adoption was the best decision for my baby, it was also the best decision for me. I felt like I was selfish for wanting my old life back. I was ashamed that I couldn’t parent.

But, at the end of the day, the main reason I decided to put my son up for adoption was that I wanted him to have the best life possible. He deserved a life I couldn’t give him on my own. It wasn’t about me; it was about him!”

Birth mothers put their child’s needs before their wants and desires. It doesn’t get braver than that! They’re turning a difficult experience into something beautiful and full of love. And that is something to be proud of.

Adoption Agency Florida

Written by Adoption Agency Florida